Career Success Story Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja Owner of EMTEK
Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja is a successful businessman in Indonesia who was born on December 11, 1963. Eddy was included in the top 10 richest people in Indonesia by Forbes magazine in 2016.
Eddy’s business career familiar greeting began in 1983 by establishing a company named PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi, Tbk which is engaged in the technology field and received exclusive rights as a distributor of Compaq computers in Indonesia.
Emtek itself is the shareowner of Private TV in Indonesia SCTV. In 2005, Eddy bought 473 SCTV shares and the majority ownership of PT Surya Citra Media was in Eddy’s hands. In addition, Eddy Kusnadi bought shares from PT Citrabumi Sacna owned by Henry Pribadi and PT Indika Multimedia owned by Agus Lasmono, son of one of the founders of SCTV. SCTV television media control is under the control of the Emtek Group.
In addition to concentrating on television business lines and mass media, Eddy Sariaatmadja also owns the oldest plantation company in Indonesia with the name Pt London Sumatera Plantation. Although at the beginning of this plantation it was owned by Britain Eddy managed to hold 64.4% of its shares now. The rubber, oil palm, coffee, cocoa and other companies that have succeeded in boosting the wealth of men graduating from the University of New South Wales Australia.
With the knowledge and basis of education that is very much related to technology and smart to run a business, Eddy is known as a role model for young entrepreneurs in Indonesia.
Today’s various business achievements are not as easy as reversing palms, various obstacles and obstacles must have been experienced and felt by the sons of the couple Mohamad Soeboeb Sariatmadja and Sofi Wijaya when running a business.
The most important thing according to Eddy is when finding obstacles and obstacles when going to do business the thing to do is to try to find the best solution and not easily give up, positive thinking is the key to success for an entrepreneur.